
How much do you know about the plastic packaging of your favorite puffed food?

Puffed food is a loose or crispy food made from cereals, potatoes, beans, fruits and vegetables or nut seeds, etc., by baking, frying, extrusion, microwave and other puffing processes. Generally, this type of food has a lot of oil and fat, and the food is easily oxidized. In order to ensure the shelf life of the product, the barrier property of the packaging material is usually required to be relatively high.

Aluminum is recognized as a material with excellent ductility and barrier properties, so it is widely used in the field of food packaging.

Inflatable plastic flexible packaging is a packaging form that most puffed foods use. The gas injected builds a layer of isolation belt between the fragile puffed food and the packaging, which exerts the effect of cushioning and shock absorption. Therefore, inflatable plastic flexible packaging Excellent performance in pressure resistance.

Some substances in puffed food bags exceed the standard, which will cause harm to human health. Choosing a packaging company with excellent technology is the key point.

Therefore, the market has the following requirements for the performance of puffed food packaging bags:
1. Good air tightness requires good heat sealing strength of the inflatable bag
2. Good oxygen resistance, preventing external oxygen from entering the inflatable bag to corrode food, and also preventing the gas in the bag from overflowing to form a shriveled bag
3. Good oil resistance and light blocking performance, so the quality of aluminized composite film is controlled
4. Reasonable packaging cost control, so material thickness control and structural material cost are also key considerations for packaging companies.

With the intensification of puffed food competition in the market, packaging companies are also constantly improving their craftsmanship, constantly optimizing packaging quality, and striving for more orders.

Post time: Jan-29-2023